9 February 2012

Estelle visits the CE2/CM1 class

On Thursday 2nd February, I went to the "CE2-CM1" class (8-9 year olds) for the first time. Just like in the other classes I visited, I introduced myself and the children told me the “English” names they chose to call themselves at the beginning of the school year.

The class is made up of children of two age groups, so the CM1 know more words in English than the CE2 because they are a year older. I found it was very different from the CP and CE1 classes because the children already know many things in English. For example, they can count up to 100 already! They showed me what else they knew: colours, months, numbers, etc.

Also, we spoke about gardens. They will create poems about gardens and I will translate them to put on the blog and as a means of teaching new words in English to the children.

After the holidays, I will go to the other CM1 class and I will post a new report... See you then!


8 February 2012

Estelle with the CE1

On Thursday 26th January, I went to the "CE1" class (7 year olds) for the first time. I introduced myself, and the children told me their names. They showed me what they had done since the beginning of the year for the "secret gardens" project:

They have produced little themed gardens ("the farm garden", "the winter garden", "the Christmas garden", etc.). They have written books where they have put photos of themselves and little texts explaining their work. 

Also, they transformed tree branches into Christmas decorations inspired by the work of the artist Madeleine Duval.

They have written poems too which I will translate for you soon...

At the end of class, the children sang a few songs in English to me and I thought that they pronounced the words very well!

Next time, we will split the class into two groups and I will read them a story: The very hungry caterpillar.

Next Thursday (the 2nd of February), I will go to the CE2-CM1 class (8-9 year olds) and I will post a new report.

See you!
