I've been busy!
I did not go to see the CM1 class before the holidays because there was a gas leak at my school!
In the end, I went to the CM1 class last Monday (12th)
for the first time.
We did the usual presentations and the children told me that they had been studying English
since the beginning of the school year.
They had written poems on
vegetables and fruit, they had spoken about the weather, the seasons, numbers, colours, etc.
Next time, we will revise the months of the year and the weather
by reciting poems.
I also went to the CP class for the second time; we learnt the months of the year by doing various activities.
First, the children cut pieces of paper where the months were written and then they had to arrange them in
the right order by doing a drawing (for example, a snail shell, a square, a circle, etc.).
Next time, we will make flowers with colored petals.
I also went to the CE1 class, as expected.
We split
the class into two groups and I read the story "The very hungry
caterpillar" to them.
was great!
I enjoyed being with a small group of children because I got to know them better.
Speak to you soon!